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    4. Zhenjiang Yuanhai Packaging Co., Ltd.

      Mr. Ding



      Coca-Cola's "small size packaging" strategy has achieved obvious results

      release time:2020-07-31

      [Market analysis of China Food Machinery Equipment Network] As we all know, the carbonated beverage market has been losing ground to healthier and more diversified beverages in recent years. To this end, Coca-Cola, a major carbonated beverage player, has launched a "mini-fill" strategy, with obvious results. Sandy Douglas, president of Coca-Cola North America, said that although the sales of carbonated beverages are declining, the company’s core brands such as Coke, Sprite and Fanta have all achieved revenue growth. Among them, smaller specifications, more convenient and trendy packaging have been adopted. Mo Dayan. In 2016, the revenue of "mini cans" Coca-Cola achieved double-digit growth in North America. Recently, the 900ml king cans and 450ml super slim cans specially designed by Ball for Russian breweries have solved the problem of the consumption tax on the alcoholic beverage market. The adverse effects of...   These examples tell us that from a global perspective, in order to meet the ever-changing needs of downstream applications and consumers, two-piece cans with wider specifications, that is, smaller cans and larger cans than standard specifications, are gaining popularity in the market.    Coca-Cola's "small-size packaging" strategy has achieved obvious results    Mini Coke's revenue achieved double-digit growth in the North American market. According to related reports, in 2016, the entire North American market faced severe challenges in the retail industry and declining consumption of carbonated beverages. Coca-Cola's revenue increased by 4% year-on-year. Among them, the "mini-can" Coca-Cola performed particularly well and achieved revenue. Double-digit growth. Sandy Douglas, President of Coca-Cola North America, said that the strategy of "promoting small can packaging and enriching product structure to enter new areas, so that the total retail sales of categories such as carbonated soft drinks grow faster than the total sales" strategy has achieved obvious results- In the past six years, the contribution of mini cans and other small-format packaged beverages to the retail sales of Coke in the US market has jumped from 10% to 15%.    He clearly pointed out that although the sales of carbonated beverages are declining, the company's core brands such as Coke, Sprite and Fanta have all achieved revenue growth. Among them, the adoption of smaller specifications, more convenient and trendy packaging has contributed greatly.    Coca-Cola, Ball and other two-piece beverage cans with wider specifications are popular in the market